Saturday, January 23, 2010

Plastic Pineapple How Do You Store Fresh Cut Pineapple?

How do you store fresh cut pineapple? - plastic pineapple

Often, fresh pineapple and cut into pieces to buy, but how is it stored? We have tried to keep in plastic containers, but brown in one or two days. Then we test the storage in salt water and pure water, but the sweetness of the pineapple has become faded and dull. Save Some sites say Cut the pineapple juice, pineapple juice but how to be sufficient to cover all the fruit in the bowl?


YSIC said...

I save my airtight in the refrigerator in a plastic bag containers. How do I cut the pineapple, which creates a lot of juice. I've just finished my cutting board and place it in the container ... it is better to keep them in their own juice.

Singtel said...

better sealing Vacumn is also ..... ..... Freeze according to your taste and cut in a plastic container and can freeze without sticking. You can at any time of day, every month, one year

Robert said...

Fresh pineapple is best eaten fresh, chilled, but happy with the pineapple containors soul can work in separate bags.

zarem said...

A pineapple is so great that 2 people can not drink cup a day. tupeprware and works well

suequek said...

I use a Ziploc bag. Never enough time to go bad in my house.

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