Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Will Shaving Cause A Herpes Breakout I Shaved Off All My Pubic Hair, Will It Ever Grow Back?

I shaved off all my pubic hair, will it ever grow back? - will shaving cause a herpes breakout

I ask because after I realized that not grow again and is not likely to blame it, not only that I was cut with a razor blade very hard and I started to bleed for a while and it is now 5 months and has not rejected and now my wife (Desiree) does not want to do with me, and now I feel like I'm naked and I pity, because most of them, and I feel very bad that I this.and My doctor told me that sex can cause AIDS or herpes, try this way, but also said there was a way that they could press and the lazer surgery, but I said no ... Never push, and I will be ashamed and naked after that ...


Tyler said...

Dime ******* every step that he do so. I can not my carpet for more than a day to get rid of!

You're like God and his wife, is the maximum porksword want their hair.

Carry your colors and the lack of it with pride!

jittender k said...

Shaving is a normal practiice. You sound like a case per one million years is not opposed to grow faster as a rule, after shaving the hair. This is no cause to complain his wife.

Angeliqu... said...

Alex, many women are very grateful to the men who wash well.

Neel said...

sorry! after 2 and 20 wood like u should grow some pubic & U no girls like shaved pubic!

Richard B said...

They shave and he tries to frighten others and they want to intimidate. Return to your cave.

maxy said...

It backkkkk needs to develop to ...
slowly but surely.

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