Monday, January 11, 2010

Wart On My Eyelid Whats A Good Natural Remedy For Removing Warts On The Eyelid?

Whats a good natural remedy for removing warts on the eyelid? - wart on my eyelid

There are 2 herbs that can help.
Aloe Vera gel directly on the wart
Arbor Vitae, apply the dye to the wart


doglover... said...

Once the nipple is big enough to pull as much as possible and you have a friend of his cotton cord until it is comfortable, not so badly injured, but enough to cut the blood supply to the wart. It will take about one weeks, the wart black and fall off then. I used to warts successfully in many places. Believe it or not, my doctor is the person that made me after that.

sillyme said...

I have this sometimes. Usually when I come, I take Chinese medicine. Go to store on herbal Chinese, and ask the doctor. He / she will give you pills to get rid of him. As usual, the Chinese medicine soft, so a few days is to go. But it works. However, if the warts are in serious condition, you should probably cut a Western doctor, just for you.

gotzya said...

Does not even try Try This!
It is very dangerous. Going to the doctor and get care for her.

viperisi... said...

Tape. Place a small piece of the wart every day and eventually your body for the maintenance of the virus) is (warts and destroy payable.

lanoc2 said...

My father had a wart on the eyelid for years until his encounter with a physical doctor, who told him to chew and granulation of the wart flower mullein, and after three weeks, which started small.

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